Young woman stands with arms behind her head showing her sweatshirt screen printed at our new shop

One of our youth interns showing off her colorful creation – a screen-printed sweatshirt made at our new print shop.

Donate to TESLA

We at The Electric Smoothie Lab Apothecary are grateful for all the generosity we’ve received from our community, family, friends, and partners. Please join us and show your support for our work while we expand our smoothie business and launch the screen printing shop.

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  • TESLA gratefully accepts tax-deductible donations to support our Smoothie Lab, including educational opportunities for the youth and communities we serve. Kelly is also available for workshops and other paid events, which you can pay for here, or to support Kelly's holistic healing and well-being.

©2025 The Electric Smoothie Lab Apothecary, a fiscally-sponsored project of Planting Justice, 501(c)(3)

Made with  in Oakland, CA



Kelly's not around right now! But you can send her an email and she'll get back to you, asap.


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